SEABA: Malaysia Bags First Win with Today's Victory Against Singapore
Photo courtesy of PBE media bureau
Malaysia were off to a good start gaining most of their victory points from the first and secod quarter. Chun Hong Ting powered the team play of the Malaysian team scoring a total of 14 points and 12 rebounds. Together with Chee Huei Liaw, Chan Kek Thai, Kok Hou Teo, Vincent Choong, Heng Yee Tong, Ong Wei Yong and Tin Chun Hong they chipped in to the 15 over 13 points of first quarter which continued until the ending of second quarter with 26 over 20. Singapore seemed to lack team coordination and power play throughout the game which resulted to continuous missed shots.
Kok Chiang Delvin Goh led the Singaporean team with 14 points and 12 assists on hand. They managed to score most points in the succeeding quarters of the ball game, they even resorted to shooting three points but it didn't manage to erase the point deficit from the earlier quarters of the game. Resulting to a 45-41 ending of fourth quarter.
Malaysia's next game will be against Vietnam tomorrow May 16th.
Malaysia's next game will be against Vietnam tomorrow May 16th.