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Former Ballerina Cathee Roslovtsev Opens Dance Studio at Sparta

Former Ballerina Cathee Roslovtsev at Sparta

29 June 2016 - Manila:  Former Ballerina Cathee Roslovtsev has decided to fulfil her life-long dream of putting up a dance studio, which caters to children and adults alike.  The Elan Ballet and Pilates Studio is located at the second floor of SPARTA in Mandaluyong.  Formerly with the Philippine Ballet Theatre and presently an artistic council member of The Philippine Ballet Theatre, she will be using the Australian Conservatoire of Ballet training method for her ballet classes.

The training method is a 12-year training method for the child, from 5-17 years old, wherein yearly, somebody from Australia will give the exam, to see if the child can move on to the next level.

Apart from Classical Ballet, she also offers Baby Ballet classes for kids from 3-5 years old, Mommy and Me Ballet classes for kids who are between 2-4 years old, while her Pre-primary Ballet classes on the other hand, targets kids who are at least 5 years of age.

According to Cathee, the values that kids can learn from ballet include, “Camaraderie, obedience, discipline, patience and perseverance.  All of these values can be learned while mastering the various techniques, like doing the pirouette.”

She also stresses the importance of learning Pilates for ballet students.

Cathee, who is also a Certified Pilates Instructor, will also be offering Pilates with machine and mat.  “Pilates and dance go hand-in-hand.  Because with Pilates, the exercises are designed to restore the natural curves of the spine and it rebalances the muscles around the joint”, she says.

Cathee, who is very dedicated to her craft, was also very hands-on with the construction of the Dance Studio.  For instance, she had to install a special kind of flooring that helps cushion the knees and the joints, so when you do your jumps and your leaps, you don’t get injured.

Apart from Classical Ballet, The Dance Studio also offers Jazz, Street Dance, Tap, Salsa, Zumba, Pilates and Yoga for Special Kids.  She also has customized programs for her dance clients, Cathee adds, “Because each person has a diff body type.  So programs will be customised depending on what the client needs.”

SPARTA is located along Pioneer Street in Mandaluyong City.  For more information, please call 6553799 or 0977-7634402.

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