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Derrick Rose May Want to Retire But LeBron James Thinks Otherwise

LeBron James said he hoped this isn't the end for Cavs teammate Derrick Rose, but if it is, he wants Rose to find peace in his decision.

Derrick Rose only played 7 of the total 20 games so far of the Cleveland Cavaliers because of injury, and while this ain't really new, we were all kind of hoping that Derrick Rose would be back to his usual MVP self.

Still young at 29, Derrick Rose had suffered injuries after another and his recent was a sprained left ankle that left Derrick Rose wondering if he could still continue playing high level basketball. Rose who went on a personal leave for what other call as soul searching may have found himself in another crossroad as he suspected to be thinking about his future in basketball.

Derrick Rose started the point guard position for the Cavs because their supposed primary point guard Isaiah Thomas is still recovering from injury. This now leaves the Cavaliers with just Jose Calderon at the point but it never really was the issue for the Cavs as they have multiple players who can play the position.

LeBron James who had been carrying the Cavs to a seven-game wining-streak had recently voiced his opinion on Derrick Rose and were hoping that the former MVP could still continue to play but he will support whatever decision of Rose is.

If Derrick Rose decides to call it a career, Cleveland Cavaliers may find themselves looking for another point guard especially since Isaiah Thomas has no timeline for return yet.

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