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FIBA Cleared NBA players to play overseas at their own risk!

by: Pow Salud|Home
FIBA Cleared NBA players to play overseas at their own risk. Good news or bad news for the NBA players?

FIBA cleared NBA players to play overseas even if they are under contract, as long as they promised to return to the NBA once lockout ended.This seems like a good news as it will pave way for them to earn extra cash during lock out and it will help promote basketball worldwide. Not bad.

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On the other hand this could mean that the end of the NBA lock out is still a long way to go. NBA players and owners are still busy playing chess instead of basketball as both  parties try to outplay each other to ultimately gain leverage and make their point. Players like Deron Williams is one of the early player that signed to play overseas and the likes of Kobe Bryant, Kevin Durant and Chris Paul could be next.

Do you think its wise for the NBA players to  play overseas?

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