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URCC, Founder Alvin Aguilar Talks About the Recent Cancellation of UFC Manila 2, GAB and Drug Testing

Alvin Aguilar one of the pioneers of Mixed Martial Arts in South East Asia and regarded as the Father of MMA in the Philippines have something to say about the recent cancellation of UFC and other speculation around it. 
URCC, Founder Alvin Aguilar Take on Recent Cancellation of UFC Manila 2, GAB and Drug Testing Speculations...

 Below are the exact words from his Facebook post dated October 7, at 120om Manila time.

I personally started the mixed martial arts movement in Southeast Asia 14 years ago. 

To do this, we had to go to the Games and Amusement Board and present the rules of mixed martial arts. After numerous hearings, we made MMA a recognized and regulated professional sport. Our country was the first in Southeast Asia to do this.

Now recently with the cancellation of the worlds biggest promotion of the UFC here in the Philippines, a lot of foreigners and even Pinoys (WTF??!) have been saying a lot of crap about our regulations. The general theme is that it is because we have "ridiculous and extreme drug testing" because of our President.

Just to make things clear we have ALWAYS had drug tests for everybody in our shows for the past FOURTEEN YEARS. Fighters, judges, referees, ring announcers and even promoters. These are done ALL THE TIME. This is nothing new and is something I fully support. Who would want an MMA fighter on Shabu fighting or a fighter judged by an official on shabu? These tests are also done in the U.S. And everywhere else where there is proper regulation.

If there is nothing to hide why worry about the drug test??!! If you are on drugs then you got no business in our business. SIMPLE

The foreigners will always judge us in the negative no matter what. They can not be blamed for their ignorance. The only time they hear about the Philippines is when something bad happens here or when Manny Pacquiao is fighting. A mistake every foreigner makes is using your own culture to judge other peoples culture. Read well and do some real research before you talk and criticize.
The ones that really get to me are the Pinoys who are so quick to judge and condemn our country. Porke may sinabi ang puti naniwala kaagad kayo. Kung alam niyo lang na mas matalino at mas magaling tayo sa mga nagsasalita against us.

Do some research and find out the REAL reason for their cancellation here. I know it and most of you do also but I will not share it as that wont be proper on my part.

We have one of the best men ever to sit at the Chairmans office in Games and Amusement board (no disrespect to former chairmen) in Chairman Mitra. You will see HUGE growth in all of the sports under his watch TRUST ME.

Side Note: URCC will be having an event on November 6, at the Mariott Hotel.

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