There’s no denying that there’s more risk out on the road on a motorcycle than in your average car. However, there’s also a lot more misinformation floating around. Here, in particular, we’re going to look at some of the myths that seem to constantly float around motorcycles. Believing these myths can put you in real danger, so it’s time to set the record straight.
A skilled rider can avoid any risk
There’s no denying that the more defensively the ride, the more aware you stay of your surroundings, the safer you will be on your bike. The more reaction time you have to any particular danger, the better your chances of extracting yourself. However, just as many motorcycle accidents are caused by other vehicles on the road, as stated at Driving more cautiously can be a great help, but when an accident happens, you have to be ready to hold others accountable, if only so you don’t have to handle all the repair of medical bills yourself.
Bikes are low maintenance
Because they are smaller than cars and seem to have less moving parts, some enthusiasts will tell you that bikes are easy to look after, and you don’t need to worry about fixing it up as often. However, motorcycle maintenance is key. Regular tire inflation, getting your bike checked, and investing in quality replacements will all keep your bike in better health. Even a little issue can make your bike harder to control, leading to a much greater risk of a spill. Don’t underestimate the work it takes to keep your bike in good condition.
Helmets do more harm than good
This is a serious concern as it’s one of the most oft-repeated myths. The idea that a bang on your head can sometimes be made worse by a helmet or that they limit your visibility has some very small grain of truth to them. However, the reason leather jackets and helmets are part of recommended gear lists like is that they are the most useful. Most bike accidents result in high-speed slides across the road, not a sudden bump or bang. Such a slide can tear an inch or more into your helmet, but without it, it would be tearing into your face. The saying “dress for the slide, not the ride” is ubiquitous for a reason. Don’t ride without a helmet.
Drivers will see/hear you
Visibility is crucial to road safety. You change how you drive according to other vehicles around you and when drivers can’t see you, they can’t react to you. Because bikes are so small, it’s easy for them to fit into other vehicle’s blind spots. Some people say that other drivers can hear bikes, no problem, but all the sound a bike makes comes from the exhaust, which generates sound behind you. Take the utmost care and caution approaching any vehicle from behind and drive defensively.
As exciting as they can be, motorcycles can definitely be dangerous and it’s worth doing more reading on how to stay safe. Just make sure that your information comes from a reliable source and not the internet rumor mill.